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Fight Against Boring

Glass Sleeping Pods in the Sacred Valley

The Sacred Valley in Peru offers some of the most breathtaking views in the world. You wouldn’t think anything needed to be added to enhance this already perfect experience. The post Glass...

Baja Llama’s Peru Trip (Video)

A quick video of our amazing trip to Peru in 2018. Check out some of our other posts to learn about the cuisine and fun adventures to The post Baja...

Rafting in El Chaltén, Argentina

El Chaltén overlooks the stunning northern sector of Parque Nacional Los Glaciares. It’s super colorful and easy on the eyes. Thousands of visitors pile in every summer

Rafting in El Chaltén, Argentina

El Chaltén overlooks the stunning northern sector of Parque Nacional Los Glaciares. It’s super colorful and easy on the eyes. Thousands of visitors pile in every summer The post Rafting...